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(833) 243-3337
Operating Hours
Mon - Fri 8:00 - 5:00 Pacific

About Us

CapRock Grain began offering the highest quality organic feed ingredients in 2011. CapRock is dedicated to providing dependable supply chain solutions through our global footprint. We are a global logistics company that manages organic feed ingredients around the world to the benefit of our end customers. Today, CapRock has operations on four continents in order to manage your supply chain.

CapRock operates seven storage facilities across the United States. Our West Coast and East Coast crushing facilities ensure consistency of our products. All facilities are certified organic and our certification can be requested through our Labs/Certifications page.

We look forward to discussing how Caprock can partner with your business. Contact us for more information.

Our Commitment to Sustainability

CapRock Grain understands the importance of preserving our precious resources. It is with this in mind that we do our part to reduce our impact wherever possible. By utilizing efficient technology, we are committed to doing our part to ensure a better tomorrow.